Tips for entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley for immigrants
The task of the entrepreneur is a challenge wherever it is carried out. But, if we talk about Silicon Valley, the challenge becomes even greater due to competition, culture, costs ... Recently, we were selected as one of the 9 companies nationwide to participate in an immersion program in Silicon Valley, by the hand of Tech Center. This initiative, promoted by ICEX and, involves a two-week experience in San Francisco in which to learn first-hand how this ecosystem works in order to raise financing rounds, to open an office in the United States, etc. Perhaps you know a comedy series called Silicon Valley, which narrates the adventures of a group of entrepreneurs who set up their company in that place. Although humorously, the truth is that many of the situations that occur in that fiction are very close to reality, and are inspired by the typical difficulties that must be faced in order to successfully undertake there. In this article I will explain, with a basic detail (bec...